Which is an Amphibious Vehicle which provides a combination of Sightseeing & a Boat trip on the Rivers,seas etc .
The vehicle can transmit from land to sea & vice versa in under 15 -18 seconds & which has a Hydraulic off Road Suspension that Retract the wheels of the vehicle in less than a 8 - 9 seconds this allows to drive into the water.
Once it is in water the driver puts the vehicle in neutral, pulls the Handle that Switches the transfer case over the Jet Drive pushes a lever to Hydraulically Lifts the Wheels & tries out of the water & begins operating the vehicle just like a Bus.
The process is reversed when it is going from Water to Land
This types of vehicles are made of light weight material
Earlier the people's uses the boats to cross the river & seas from one place to another place & passengers & the busses as to be shifted to boats to cross the rivers seas ,so on
When this technology introduced the passengers can save the time & which is convenient to travel
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